Frank Ettenberg (USA)
geboren 1945 in Brooklyn, NYC, USA
lebt und arbeitet in Wien/Österreich

Represented by

Galerie Kunst & Handel,  Graz,  Austria, E.U.
Gallerie Miro, Prague, CZ, E.U.
Silvia Agnes Stenitzer, Santa Fe, NM, USA


Ettenbergs Arbeiten vereinen die New Yorker Schule und den europäischen Surrealismus. Sein künstlerischer Ausdruck entspringt seinem Spürsinn für Zeichen und figurative Formen. Spontane Reaktionen u. Entwicklungen führen ihn oft zu Themen, die in Bilderzyklen enden. Der Künstler arbeitet themenbezogen, dennoch ist er sich niemals sicher, wie letztendlich das Endbild aussehen wird. Seine Werk entstehen oft kurzfritig, Der Künstler: "... die besten festgelegten Pläne von Mäusen und Männern, kommen häufig von ihrem  Weg ab." 

FRANK ETTENBERG Einige Wege hinein
His work owes much to the New York School and to European Surrealism. His art is built upon intuitive reactions to making marks and shapes. These reactions and spontaneous developments may lead to themes coming forth in given pieces. Occasionally, the artist conceives of a theme before the work is begun but is never certain how the final picture will appear. As it's shaping up lately, "the best laid plans of mice and men, often go astray". Because of this, and, in spite of this, the artist keeps on working....
FRANK ETTENBERG Living in Austria Künstlerische Vita

M.A. in Malerei, UNM Art Dept Albuquerque, NM, USA

School of Arch & Design, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, B.S. in Design

Certificate of Merit, NYU All-City Scholarship Painting Class, NYC

Einzelausstellungen/ Solo Exhibitions

Museum of Art, Roswell, New Mexico

Miro Galerie, Prague, Czech Republic

Golf &Therme Hotel Stegersbach, Bad Stegersbach, Austria

Galerie Kunst und Handel, Graz, Austria

KunstForum Hallein, Hallein, Austria

Galerie 4484, Kronstorf, Austria, Europe

Eldridge/McCarthy Gallery, Santa Fe, NM, USA

Galerie Pohlhammer, Steyr, Österreich

Fuller Lodge Art Center, Los Alamos               

Edith Lambert Gallery, Santa Fe, NM

Fisher Gallery, Albuquerque, NM

Austria Tabakmuseum, Wien

Galerie Rondula, Wien

Amos Joseph Fine Art, Santa Fe

Galerie am Roßmarkt, Wolfsberg, Austria

Zahlreiche Einzelausstellungenseit international seit 1972


Gruppenausstellungen/ Group Exhibitions

The Artist & the Comic Book, Museo Cultural, Santa Fe

"New American Drawings, 2003" Fred R Kline Gallery, Santa Fe

"Five Allies," State Capitol Rotunda & Governor's Gallery, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA

Edith Lambert Gallery, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA

Harwood Foundation Museum, Taos, NM

CAS Invitational, Cafe Gallery, Albuquerque, NM, USA

"Common Ground,"  Quincentennial Perspective: Artists Discover Columbus¨, Castillo Center, New York City

Ryan Carey & Frank Ettenberg, Janus Gallery, Santa Fe

"The Recovery Show," Armory for the Arts, Santa Fe

American Academy of Arts & Letters, Purchase Exhibition, NYC                                    

"Selections," Leinster Fine Art,  London, UK

"Drawings USA '77," Minnesota Mus.of Art, St. Paul, Minn.

65th Michigan Artists Annual, Detroit Institute of Art


Öffentliche und private Sammlungen/ Public and Private Collections

Detroit Institute of Art, Detroit, Michigan
Roswell Museum, Roswell, NM
Harwood Museum, Taos, NM
Capitol Art Foundation, State Capitol, Santa Fe, NM, USA
Museum of Albuquerque
Albuquerque International Airport Collection
Anderson Museum of Contemporary Art, Roswell, NM
Museum of Fine Arts, Santa Fe
Minnesota Museum of Art, St. Paul, Minn.
Bank Austria, Vienna
Valley National Bank, Scottsdale, Arizona
Citicorp, Chicago, Illinois
Exxon World Headquarters, Houston, Tx.
Kaiser-Permanente Insurance, Denver
US West, Denver, Colorado
Hyatt Hotels, Washington, DC; Evanston, Ill.
Desert Inn, Las Vegas, Nevada
Jonathan Abrams, Albuquerque
Fred R. Kline, Santa Fe, NM
Susan Streeper, El Prado, NM
Franz Ringel, Vienna, Austria
Dr Wolfgang & Nora Petritsch, Vienna and Geneva
Catherine Morrison, Charles Tandy, Lancaster, PA
LTV Center, Dallas, Texas
Frito-Lay Corporation, Dallas Texas
Stenitzer Gmbh, Stainach, Austria
Hofnaborg  Collection, Hofnarfjördur, Iceland
Cornerstone Research,  Menlo Park, Ca           
Harold & Ruth Carter, Albuquerque, NM
Allan & Arlene Miller, South Pasadena, CA
Paul Bardacke, Albuquerque, NM
Rep. Shannon Robinson, Albuquerque, NM
Vernon Nikkel, Clovis, NM
Sepp Gindl, Steiermärkische Sparkasse, Austria
Jill Z. Cooper &  Rep. Tom Udall, Santa Fe, NM
Peter Rogers, San Patricio, NM
Reese and Ann Fullerton, Santa Fe, NM
Santa Fe Community College, Santa Fe, NM
College of Santa Fe, Santa Fe, NM
Bonnie Ruyle, Santa Fe, NM
Michael H. Dang, MD, Honolulu, HI
Raymond Itagaki, MD, Honolulu, Hi
Andrew Kluger Associates, San  Rafael, Ca
Dr Franz Stenitzer, Wolfsberg, Austria
Wolfgang Swoboda, MD, Salzburg, Austria
Katholnigg & Klein, Salzburg, Austria
Dr Hanna Moldan, Salzburg, Austria
Edith Harber, NY,NY
Howard & Joan Weinstein, Atlanta, Ga
Ann / Ira Dermansky, Englewood, NJ
Bob Willis / Susan Murashima, Santa Fe, NM
Dr. Paul and Phoebe Hummel, Santa Fe, NM
Brook Tuthill, Santa Fe, NM
Alton Walpole, Santa Fe, NM
Celia Rumsey, Santa Fe, NM
Barbara Erdman, Santa Fe, NM
Nathaniel Tarn / Janet Rodney, Santa Fe, NM
David and Anne Sperling, Santa Fe, NM
Lisa and John Mulcahy, Richmond, Virginia
Kieve Trust, Santa Fe, NM
Mary O. Medina Soc.Services Bldg, Taos, NM
Libo & Associates, Albuquerque, NM
Hand Graphics Gallery, Santa Fe, NM
Thomas Mark, Spital am Pyhrn, Austria
Schmidt Automobile, Salzburg, Austria
Chanello, Ltd., Taipei, Taiwan
Mountain States Insulators, Santa Fe, NM
Brian MacPartlon, Santa Fe, NM
Rodney and Linnea Carswell, Santa Fe,NM
George Burrows, Culver City, California
Auszeichnungen/ Awards

Straumur Art Commune, Hafnarfjördur, Iceland,  Artist-in-Residence Program

Best in Show Award, "Contemporary '98," Fuller Lodge Art Center, Los Alamos, NM

Esther & Adolph Gottlieb Foundation    Emergency Grant

Artist-in Residence, Tamarind Inst Litho Fellowship, ABQ

"Southwest '85,"  Museum of Fine Arts, Santa Fe, Merit Award for Painting, Purchase Award for Monotype

Paired Paintings Project, funded by NM Arts Division & NEA, Armory for the Arts, Santa Fe

CETA Mural Project, "Taos Watershed Mural," Mary O. Medina

Social Services Center, Taos, NM

Artist-in-Residence Grant, Roswell Museum & Art Center ( 8 months )

Detroit Institute of Art, 65th Michigan Artists Annual, Purchase Award for Painting